Tag Archive | Nonnie Jules

THE UNCERTAINTY OF LIFE … @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA @nonniejules #RRBC #RWISA #Poetry #Parenting #writingcommunity #readingcommunity

This morning I opened my eyes, rolled out of bed onto the floor, and onto my knees, to pray.  This is a morning and nightly ritual in our family.  My kids are adults now, but the last thing I say to them at night is, “Say your prayers, on your knees.”

I always begin my prayer with … “Thank you, Lord, for waking me up this morning …” but after saying those words this morning, my prayer was cut short as I jumped up and ran to my office to pen the piece below.  (By the way, I did return to finish my morning prayer).


Girl thinking pink

We lie down, but we don’t know if we’re going to wake up.

We leave the house, without the certainty that we’ll ever return.

We get behind the wheel of a car

Not to go far…

Just a few blocks from home.

But, who could have known

There’d be a drunk driver on the same road that day?

We befriend who will become our best friend, and we’re sure their loyalty to us is impenetrable.

But then, they betray us in the worst way …

The unspeakable is their crime.

‘Til this day, we can’t talk about it.

We meet and marry the person we are sure will walk with us … ‘Til Death Do Us Part’ –

But then, they break our heart.

The unimaginable pain left behind is too much to forgive,

So we part.

We bear children and make plans for their future.

Our dreams are what we hope theirs will be.

But then, they grow up, into their own minds, and begin to dream their own dreams for their lives.

And we, well, we have to live with what their dreams produce.

It is of little use

To fight them on their dreams.

We plan for them to marry those who will love and cherish them … protect them.

But what they bring home to us are those who hurt and abuse them.

So, we pray and ask God to watch over and blanket them with his protection, for ultimately they belong to him and are only on loan to us.

Trust … we must.

Such is the uncertainty of life.

There are but a few wonders of life that we can be sure of… 

The rain comes from the clouds

The moon lights up the sky

The sun comes up each day

We’ll live and then we’ll die.

~Nonnie Jules

I hope you enjoyed this piece of what I call a life reflection.  Every thought, gave me pause.

It Is My Duty To Stand Up – What Will You Stand For? #Parents #Colleges #Equality @nonniejules

This morning I logged onto my Twitter and I find this. It was so moving and so incredibly heartbreaking, I could not take another step without sharing this with you. I’m a parent of a college student. I’m a parent of a college athlete. And as a parent who loves all, I feel all his pain.

Click the College GameDay video to listen to Kirk Herbstreit’s emotional message.


Also, I invite you to visit IF YOU TURN AWAY FROM THIS, WHAT DOES IT SAY ABOUT YOU? at Watch Nonnie Write!

I Am Just Like @JoeBiden’s Mom! #RRBC #RWISA #Parenting

Yesterday, as I watched the final night of the Democratic National Convention, I was so moved by the story that was told about Joe Biden’s mother, I captured the audio to share with you below…

I thought I was the only mom in the world like this! 

I have a story so eerily similar to Joe’s, that I was reeling when I heard the one above. 

When my baby was in kindergarten, a little boy shoved her on the playground.   When she told the teacher, as she had been taught to do (by my husband), the teacher responded rudely with … “If you tattle one more time…”  

Well, when I picked my baby up from school that afternoon, I noticed as we were walking to the car, her beautiful smile was missing. “What’s wrong, baby?” I asked. She shared with me what the teacher had said to her.

I turned around so fast, my baby’s feet were probably lifted from the ground, as her hand was in mine while I was in fast motion.  I marched up to this teacher, in full view and earshot of every other parent, child and teacher around, and I asked her, “Did you threaten my baby?”  In her boldness (or ignorance as to the kind of mom I was and still am) she said, “Yes, she tattles…”  

Before the woman could finish her sentence and before I could form another thought, my finger was on her nose. Yes, TOUCHING THE TIP OF HER NOSE.  I said to her, very calmly and with extreme clarity, “If you ever threaten my child again, I’m going to sweep this entire area with your little body.” 

Yes, I said and I did just that – I also meant every word.  So, as you can see, I loved hearing that Joe Biden’s mom, a mom before my time, was fierce enough to “warn” a nun that she would rip that damn bonnet off her head if she threatened her child again.  She was a mom just like me!

Every mom in this world should feel that protective of their babies.  Every mom in this world should be that bold when it comes to standing up to adult bullies when they threaten their babies in any way.  Every mom should be just like Joe Biden’s mom.  I wish I had known her!

Bravo, Mrs. Biden!

Have you ever had a brave mommy moment like Mrs. Biden?  

#Authors #Readers & #Writers! Welcome to the #Literary Lovers Paradise!

Hello, friends!  I probably should have posted this sooner, but I just got the idea from one of my fellow members of the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB! 

I’d like to invite you to a virtual event that’s going on right now, and it’s like no other event you’ve seen in probably the last year!  It’s the 5th Annual RRBC WRITERS’ CONFERENCE & BOOK EXPO!  

There is so much to see and do at this amazing event, but at the top of that list, is a huge helping of fun!  There are so many games to play and win!  So many door prizes to be won! So many people to meet and new friends to make – and I don’t want you to miss another second of it!

So, drop by, visit every area of the event, but don’t leave any of the (virtual) author booths or Vendor booths without leaving a comment, because those comments get your name thrown into a lottery to win that author’s door prize!

Every year, we also raffle off (7) $100 Amazon gift card gift baskets and there’s still time until this Sunday, August 16th, for you to purchase a raffle ticket or tickets!  Don’t miss this amazing opportunity!

We’re the most amazing book club around, but what kind of book club would we be if we weren’t offering AUTHOR READINGS to our friends?  I am certainly not that kind of friend!  I want you to drop in and have fun and win prizes and door prizes!

Well, I’ve talked enough.  Time for me to hurry and get back to all the fun!  I’ll see you there!


What If You Talked Yourself Into…Greatness? #RRBC #Parenting #Kids

When I saw this today, I just had to share it.  Now, this little “baby” is speaking his life as he walks to school.  He has already determined the kind of day he is going to have and the way that he says these things, makes me believe that he TRULY believes the words that are coming from his mouth.

Kudos to his mom for instilling the power of the spoken word, the belief in affirmations and the faith that he can do anything.

I am a firm believer in affirmations.  I stand before my mirror each morning and recite affirmations that I have written and retained so that I can speak the life that I want into existence. I begin by asking myself “What can I do today that will make me a far better person than I already am?”

What if we all took the time to talk ourselves into greatness?  Would we be better?  Stronger?  More powerful?  Would we feel more beautiful inside and out?   I believe all of this to be so.

I’ve no doubt, that this little guy will be and will do all that he has claimed.  His mommy has ensured that already.  Good job, Mommy!

(Make sure that your volume is up loud before you start the video clip)

Nothing Like Sibling Love, #RRBC #Parenting

I opened my eyes this morning to another segment of GOOD MORNING AMERICA!  Although some mornings, the first thing I see isn’t the greatest of news, and although this one started off no differently, it quickly turned into my feel good story of the day.

Before I share too much, for those of you who haven’t yet seen this, take a look:

Although I have watched this video now around 15 times, the beginning is extremely hard to watch and I shudder each time I see the dresser tipping over.  The reason I love this story ever so much, is because of the love I see when this TODDLER saves his brother’s life.  At that age, he doesn’t even run off to get help from his parents…NO, he knows that his brother is in distress and he is not going to leave him in that position.  I CRIED WHEN I SAW THIS!  (Before I move on from the video clip, does anyone else believe that an angel moved that dresser?  Think about it…news reports said the dresser was well over 100 lbs.  What 2 yr old do you know could move that amount of weight?  I rest my case at…an angel was in the room).

Everyone who knows me, know that I am a big proponent of sibling love.  In my mind and my world (therefore in my home), there is nothing more important, and there should never be a bond as tight, as that among siblings.  In the Jules home, I call it “SISTER LOVE.”

I have raised my daughters to know that when Daddy and I are gone, all that they will have, will be each other.  Yes, they have many cousins and other relatives, but in the grand scheme of things, from our little family, it will just be the two of them.

When my daughters were small, I would pray to GOD each day, that he kept my husband and I here (or, at least one of us), until my eldest daughter was of legal age to care for the other, should we not be able to.  That way, they’d never have to go into the care of another family member, who may not have raised their kids the way we had raised ours. (And, mind you, I don’t know of one family member who has raised their kids the way mine have been raised). Why was this so important to me?  Well, not being under the influence of another’s way of parenting, they’d retain their values and morals which we had instilled in them.  Even now, I thank GOD every day for this answered prayer.

So, this is how that drill has played out (and continues to play out in our home):

*There will be no fighting, and should there be, you make up quickly;

*You wake each morning with a “Good morning kiss, and a hug”

*You go to bed each night after a “Good night kiss, and a hug”

*She should be your maid/matron of honor in your wedding, and you better be the same in hers;

*If you become a millionaire, she better become one, too;

*If you have, she should never be in need

*Never, ever put anyone before your sister.

(I’ve used the word better above, because I’ve also drilled into them that if these things don’t happen and I’m not here, I’ll be coming back to haunt them in the worst way possible!…LOL)

My daughters are almost ten years apart in age and people have always asked, more-so now because they are adults, “How did you get them to be so close?” Well, did you just read all that information I shared above?  These were, and continue to be daily mantras coming from my mouth, and going into their ears.  They probably hear me saying these words even when they’re sleeping.  Again, this is how I have raised them since the second daughter came along, and if you want your children/grandchildren to be close, you should stress the same…always.

As The Good Mommies Mommy, I always stress that #Consistency is key.

To close, I hope you will take my advice and do the following…if you haven’t spoken to your own sibling(s) today or even in the past 30 years, now would be a good time to pick up the phone.  Go on, reconnect…learn to love each other again.  It’s never too late.  Let them know, and make them feel, that should the dresser ever tip over and fall on top of them, you, even in your old age, will somehow FIND the strength, to save them.

I’d love to hear about your sibling relationships below.  Your story just might help another connect or reconnect with their own sibling(s).

**If you enjoyed this content, I ask that you Follow my blog before you leave as well as my Twitter account at @AskTheGoodMommy.**

Whatever Happened to the ‘Village’? #RRBC

Block Party 2016 banner

Thanks for dropping by my little place here in Shreveport, Louisiana.  I hope to get your opinion on the topic below.  Please join in the discussion by leaving your comment and you automatically get an entry into my giveaway pool!


(1) $10 Amazon Gift Card

(1) 5 Amazon Gift Card



I’m writing today because I’d like your opinion on something.  Recently, while speaking to a mom of a teen-age daughter, I found myself embroiled in a discussion which caused me great angst. I mean, the conversation literally caused me to go into full migraine headache mode (my poor head).

This mom of a 15 year old who delivered a baby a few months ago, shared with me how her daughter’s newborn son, accompanies his teen-age mother to school every day.  Confused, I asked, “Well, how can she focus on her schoolwork if she has to care for the baby at the same time?”  This mom then shared that the entire school district where her daughter attends school, has a nursery/daycare on the campus of every high school in the district to accommodate teen moms.  After hearing this, I went completely numb.  Hence the beginning of our discussion (debate).  I  mean, if your conversation is going to cause me to go numb, then you can bet your bottom dollar, we’re gonna talk  about it!

I shared with her my disappointment in hearing this, and how I  whole-heartedly disagree with the idea of daycare centers on high school campuses.  I said, “If a school district has to have daycare centers on EVERY HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS in their district, then they have a major problem with teen-age pregnancies.  The focus then, in my opinion, should not be on adding daycare centers to school campuses and accommodating these teenagers, but on how to rectify the major problem…that of the number of teen pregnancies of their female student body.”

In my opinion (and as you can see, I have lots of these), having daycare centers on these school campuses is like slapping a band-aid on an open sore…it’s not going to heal the real problem, just cover it up, so to speak.  Instead of spending that money on campus daycare centers, how about putting it to even greater use…like educating these girls in a different manner on how these poor decisions will impact their lives and their entire futures.  How about we put that money into special programs to teach these girls how NOT TO become teen-age moms?  I mean, since the school is offering free childcare for these teenage moms, what’s going to keep them from repeating the act?  What’s going to keep them from going off having another…and another, and yet another?  Who’s policing these possible serial teenage moms?

Here is where we should all begin to miss “the villages” of old…the ones that it took to raise a child;  the ones that cared enough to go above and beyond, to do whatever it took to ensure that not only their kids, but all the kids around them, excelled at life?  What happened to those?

I often hear people say “Times have changed,” but you know what, just because the world is changing in every arena, doesn’t mean you have to.  I know you saw this one coming, but if all the world decides to one day drink poison and lay down on the ground and die, are you going to join them?  What about that cliff ahead?  I see they’re all getting ready to jump…have you suddenly sprouted wings, too?  I would like to think that you have your own mind, you think with your own mind, and you would make up your own mind to do the right thing if you were ever faced with either of these situations.  Just because some feel as if it’s ‘old fashioned’ and “no one does that anymore,” doesn’t mean you have to buy into that common mentality.

Stand for something, or you will fall for anything.  Remember having that drilled into your head as a child?  I do.  Again, I ask, where have those villages gone?

I’d like to hear from you.  What are your thoughts on these high-school campus daycare centers?  Are they encouraging more of the same or, are they meeting a very serious problem head on?


Here’s a solution to the problem…

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(During a recent phone conversation with an old friend of mine, she asked:  “You’re not a grandma yet?”  I replied:  “Have you received a wedding invitation from us?”  She said, “No.”  I responded, “Well, if you haven’t received a wedding invite first, then you shouldn’t be expecting a baby announcement.”  You see, in our home, the cart doesn’t go before the horse.)




To follow the rest of the tour, click HERE!

For autographed paperback copies, click HERE!


…or maybe you’re not!

RRBC Badges (2)


# of Winners for this stop:  2

Here’s What I’m Giving Away Today:

(1) $15.00 Amazon Gift Card



I know, the pic above is hilarious, but my daughters sent this to me!  Huge hint, you think?

I am so tired and just so busy that I thought I’d offer you a re-blog (to make things easier for me and to also engage those who hadn’t seen this post yet).

Many often wonder what separates a bad parent from a good parent.  In my mind, a very thin line is all.  But, I’m going to give you my 5 Top Tips of Good Parenting and if you can’t handle these, then we’re going to have to ask you to return your PARENTING LICENSE.  (Oh, I forgot, the law doesn’t require those for this very important job, although they should).  Here goes:


*BE A GOOD LISTENER.  Do you ever respond to your child with those horrible words your own parents used to throw at you…“Because I said so?”  The memories of those words haunt me still today.  I hated hearing (my mom) say that, and boy, did she say it often.  As a parent now, I have realized (thanks to my teenager who keeps me grounded) that “Because I said so,”  is not a response, nor is it a proper response.  When our kids come to us with their issues or questions and concerns, they are looking for solid answers from the people they are taught to trust, respect (and listen to) the most…their parents.  Learn to listen intently to their concerns, so that you are fully able to form a positive, clear, intelligent response;  one that will lead them in the right direction and not drive them into the arms of others, whose responses may not be in their best interest;

*AIM TO BE THEIR BEST PARENT…NOT THEIR BEST FRIEND.  Many parents spend so much time trying to be their kid’s best friend, that they lose sight of their real position, that of Parent.  Yes, we want our kids to think we’re “cool” and that we understand all they’re going thru, etc., and that’s OK.  But, what happens when you have to step out of BEST FRIEND mode and guide them in the right direction…which you can only do in BEST PARENT mode?  What do you do then?  You see, your kid’s friends are their age and they all have the same issues.  And, because they have the same issues, if they are advising each other, it’s like the blind leading the blind.  I remember some of the kids who grew up with my daughters, the ones who didn’t have traditional parents, the ones whose parents partied with them and drank with them, and allowed them “too much freedom.”  I would often hear them say to my daughters, “I wish I had a mom like that,”  or “I wish my mom was like your mom.”  You see, no matter how often they say that “we’re not cool,”  or “we just don’t understand,”  they really do want us in PARENT MODE with them.  It is only in that mode that they feel protected by us…safe. If you make it a habit to always “stay in your lane” (as the kids put it), the Parenting Lane, that is, then you will nurture the relationship as it should be.  Believe me, you have plenty of time to become their BEST FRIEND.  My timetable says that time should be rolling around pretty quickly, when they are adults, and maybe with kids of their own;

*ALWAYS REMAIN CALM.  Being a good listener is the best way to develop great rapport with your kids.  When your kids come to you for advice, no matter the topic (boys, girls, sex, relationships, drugs, etc.) listen to them and fully take in what they are communicating to you.  Your response to what they are sharing, is the make or break as to how they will handle their situations.  Don’t interrupt while they’re speaking, think before you respond, and above all else, remember that yelling is never the answer.  Don’t become part of their storm.  Be their calm, so that when their storm hits, their “emergency kit” will be filled with all the right tools to weather it;

*MODEL WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO DO AND BECOME.  Television, radio, social media and even friends at times, offer such negative influences that you want to remove it all from your child’s world.  I’ve been there myself, where I’ve heard of a profanity-laced TV show or one filled with too much kissing and ‘other stuff,’ that I’ve said to my kids “Nope, we won’t be watching that.”   That being said, I allowed my wonderful kids to watch shows like SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS and THE SIMPSONS, which other parents forbade in their homes.   Because my daughters were taught the difference between right and wrong from the very beginning and consistently, I wasn’t the least bit worried about them picking up any bad habits from these shows, but, I did appreciate the fact that there was such humor in the shows, that my children, with us, appreciated the laughs.  We love “funnies” in our home, so these were shows we enjoyed together.  Actually, we all still watch SPONGEBOB, even today.  I’ve said all this to say that, WE modeled what we wanted them to become.  Profanity is not allowed in our home, we don’t drink or smoke, we have open and ‘honest’ discussions, and we treat each other and those outside our home, with the utmost of kindness and respect.  We not only talked the talk, we walked the walk and that is what you should do, as a good parent;

*LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THEM, UNCONDITIONALLY.  I’ve heard parents say that sometimes, the poor behavior of their children makes them hard to love.  Although I’ve never felt this emotion, I’ve seen some kids who have put their parents thru the ringer, so I can definitely believe it.  I recently heard of a book called  HOW TO HUG A PORCUPINE and to my understanding, the premise of the book is that kids in their formative tween and full teen years, don’t really welcome the loving hugs and attention that they craved as babies and toddlers.  My daughters get so many hugs, kisses and so much love daily, that they probably want to run in the other direction when they see me coming towards them.  And, although they pretend as if they don’t like it, they really do.  I know this because when my oldest was away at college, she once said, “Believe it or not, I miss you kissing me all the time.”  My youngest said to me recently, “I’m going to miss sitting on your lap and snuggling with you when I wake each morn and before I go to bed at night.”  See, proof they like it!  So, go on, hug your porcupines!  They secretly love you doing so and don’t worry, their pines aren’t that prickly.

TGMG on BN counter med

Do you have some great parenting tips to share? Please share your comments below.  You know how much we like those!  I would also ask that you share this page onto all your social medium forums.  Thanks for dropping by and I hope to see you along the tour tomorrow!

Are you not a member of the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB yet?  Well, why the heck not?  What is wrong with you???  LOL!  We’d love for you to join us!



#Hate, When Does It End? #RRBC #Parenting

Nothing breaks my heart more, than to hear a story about a child being hurt.  Whether they were hurt in a car accident, abused by an adult, mistreated verbally or even shoved on the playground…my heart feels it all, and their pain is mine…in a huge way.

It is now the year 2016, and we are still having the same discussion about Bullying that we had 10 years ago.  We are going to continue to have this discussion, simply because parents are choosing to not have the “proper” conversations with their children, in their homes.

Kids today are still not being taught empathy, compassion, patience, sensitivity and the simple difference between right and wrong.  And because of this lack of teaching, other kids are being bullied, murdered and even forced into feeling that the only way out of their pain, is to commit suicide.  How long are we going to stand by and watch the innocent suffer?  What is it going to take to get YOU to stand up and voice your displeasure in the direction of those who are offending?  Change can only come when we all take a stand…  not just one of us, not just a race of us, not just a gender of us, and not just a class of us.  It’s going to take ALL of us to make a difference.  And since that’s all of us who bleed ‘red,’ YOU are included in that number.  We must go back to being a village when it comes to raising our children, or we are destined to be tagged as a nation of monsters.



*White lives

*Black lives

*Brown lives

*Grey lives

*Straight lives

*Gay lives

We matter all.

I know this is old, but I’d like you to take a peek at the BULLY CHAT.  If you’re not moved to make a change after watching this, there’s something wrong…and you should stand in front of a mirror and take a long hard look at the person staring back at you.

Better parenting = better children.  What’s your take on that?

*For more parenting and positive inspiration, please #Follow me on Twitter @AskTheGoodMommy.



Now We’re Putting #Disrespect On A Pedestal? #RRBC

OK, so the latest nonsense in this no-parenting Parenting, which is ringing loudly in my ears and almost causing me to go deaf, is the theory  (and I quote) that “Kids who talk back, become more successful adults.”  Well, this “nonsense” infuriates me so much, that lots of choice words come to mind each time I read that line, but, since this is a kid-friendly blog, I will keep them to myself.

It should come as no surprise to all who have read my parenting guide, “THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS…100 Tips On Raising Daughters Everyone Can’t Help But Love”

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…that I don’t agree with this “nonsense” at all.  (I will continue to refer to it as nonsense, by the way, as that’s exactly what it is).

“Kids talking back is a perennial complaint of parents,” states an article that I read on Yahoo recently.  Well, that complaint is valid, and kudos to those parents who are upset about this and not embracing the “nonsense.”

This Yahoo article quotes the experts who say that, “This behavior is developmentally healthy for kids.”  I would have to disagree and say that, as an expert, “This behavior in my home would be extremely unhealthy and could prove to be detrimental to a kid’s teeth.” (Yes, I said it!)  I mean, kids do still lose their teeth by methods that aren’t traditionally used in dentist’ offices, right?

My very own teenager, who, when I shared this theory and article with her, looked at me and said:  “Mommy, that’s just an excuse for certain parents to let their kids get away with talking back to them because they don’t want to take the time, or they don’t know how to properly discipline them.”  (#ProudMommyOnBoardHere!  As they say, “From the mouths of babes.”)  Even she, as a child, understands this point, so, why can’t people twice and three times her age get it?

I have two of the most successful daughters in all the world.  My teenager is on track to graduating Magna Cum Laude in her school;  she’s a literal genius (smarter than a whip and sharper than many adults I know);  she’s a phenomenal athlete,  and she’s honest and uberly respectful.  Never talked back a day in her life!

Then, there’s my adult daughter:  on her way to getting her two masters degrees, busy as a bee in very constructive ventures, highly sought after by every employable agency in her field, doesn’t sleep around with every Tom, Dick and Harry (YES! An adult Lady who still has her virginity…go figure), and uberly, uberly respectful.  Never talked back a day in her life!  Never used a profane word in her life!  Yet, out of all her adult counterparts who are her age or older, I can’t name one who is as successful as she is.  I can’t name one who has a reputation like she does.  I can’t put my finger on one who is as trusted and respected as she is.

And then, there are their parents, my husband and I…successful business owners, highly regarded in our community, and yet, neither one of us ever talked back to our parents…we dared not!

Are we still going with what these experts say?  Has anyone heard of the entitled kid from Dallas, Texas with “Affluenza” Disease? (What a joke).  You know, the one who killed four people while driving drunk and was then only given a slap on the wrist (probation)? The one who then spit in the face of the same justice system who gave him that slap on the wrist and fled the country to avoid charges after he violated that probation?  The same one whose mom, when asked how she disciplined him when he acted up (talked back), said she took his toys and games away.  Really?  That’s ALL you did?  Hmmm…no wonder.  I would stake the life of everyone that I hold dear that he talked back!  And probably was using those choice words I withheld above by the time he was 2 years old and could mouth them!  I think we should start measuring success by more than just the size of our bank accounts.

So, I’m sure you all can see why I’m going to have to agree with my teenager, who says that this “nonsense” is just another excuse for certain parents to get away with raising their kids improperly, OR, not even raising them at all.  The sad part about all of this “nonsense,” is that these same kids who are being allowed to talk back, in hopes that they will become more successful in their adult lives, are being set up to fall into a few (sometimes deadly) traps:

*What do you think is going to happen when they are in daycare or after-school care with people who have low tolerance for kids who talk back or disobey?

*What do you think is going to happen when they’re in classrooms at school with teachers who have zero tolerance for kids who talk back or disobey?

*Lastly, what do you think is going to happen when they are stopped by a law enforcement officer who has the power to strip them of every right they have, on the spot, just because you allowed them to “mouth off” to you?

We need to remember, that what we allow in our homes, is not necessarily going to go over well outside of our home. Then, we need to also keep in the forefront of our minds, that everyone isn’t in love with our kids the way we are.  And lastly, never forget, that evil sometimes walks the earth day and night, in the form of daycare workers, teachers, and law enforcement officers.  So, I would advise you to teach your kids to be respectful, manner-able, hardworking, and driven Go-getters.  In my eyes, all signs that they are properly armed with the tools they’ll need to become successful adults.

My beautiful daughters have never been spanked, cussed at, berated or made to feel anything but the most staggering kind of love in all the world, yet, I am a firm believer in discipline, teaching kids right from wrong, and teaching respect, manners and accountability.  I am, because it’s the way I was raised.  I am, because I looked around this earth and saw what was being “bred” to walk and rule our land, and I refused to bring more of that “mess” into the world.  I am, because I know that we can do better as a society and as Parents.

My friends laugh when I see kids in the store throwing fits and tantrums, talking back, or stories on television, such as this one about the Affluenza Disease, and I shake my head and say:  “God gave me what he knew I wouldn’t strangle.”  It’s funny, but I do believe it’s true.

So, these are the kinds of kids that I have:

1Happy Daughter

Because the other kind…

1Mom yelling at daughter

…wouldn’t last one second in my home!

My latest quote: 

“I’m not being judgmental, but you’re not parenting properly.”  ~ NJ Original

Again, “YES, I SAID IT!”

NJ Cover Design-1

…and I didn’t bite my tongue or stutter when I did!

“Teach and discipline your kids properly, before the world and law enforcement steps in to do it for you.  Unfortunately, you might not like the lessons they have in store for your child!

~ Nonnie Jules

So, do tell, what is your take on this style of parenting?  Are/Were your kids allowed to talk back?  Do you think success is only measured by how much money is in someone’s bank account?  C’mon, be honest.  We don’t judge here.